Too Young for a Teen Tan in Texas

This afternoon the Texas House passed a measure that would prevent teens under the age of 16.5 years from being able to use public Tanning beds like those found at Dark Tan and other pay for use salons across the state. Also part of the measure is a section to allow 18 and under (that would be anyone between the ages of 16.5 and 18) to use the tanning facilities but both the parent and the minor must sign an advisory that discusses the dangers of tanning. I equate this to the reading the terms and conditions when purchasing or installing online software.

What really pisses me off about this ‘measure’ is the uselessness of it all. This is just another of a long line or changes to the state laws to protect the citizens from themselves. It’s no wonder the national economy is in the shitter these days. Instead of the State and National lawmaker focusing on long-term goals to make out country stronger, they spent their time and good taxpayer money writing up crap like this.