One bad, one good

So finally got around to checking my PowerBook batteries. Went to the Mac Support page, Saw the item “iBook G4 and PowerBook G4′. Compared the bad battery serial number to the numbers of my two batteries. All is good. Returned a day later to the same support page and saw a new entry, ’15-inch MacBook Pro’. Selected this item. It has a different range of serial numbers for bad batteries. I have one bad battery and one good one.

So signed up for the replacement battery. Will arrive 4-6 weeks according to the email confirmation I received. Though I suspect the overload of requests will make this something like 6-8-10 weeks. I’m good though. I use the power mostly at work. Only really use the batter when I’m downstairs working on the couch while attempting to watch TV.

Sometimes I wonder about hoe I developed the ability to write code while also watching a movie. Though I also thing about the adult onset ADD I’ve developed over the many years of working and going a thousand different directions all at once. Well probably best not to analyze things like this.