AIR Austin kickoff

I’ve joined a team. I know you say I join too many darned groups. Well I say ‘foo!’ to you. This one is sort of important. I’ve joined with a few others from Refresh Austin members to compete in building an Accessible web site for non-Profilt Organizations. This competition is hosted by Knowbility and is a great cause to provide developers the tools and knowledge to create these important sites.

The kickoff is Thursday evening. During the kickoff we meet the client and start discussing the desires of the client on the site. A word of note is the client sites are real functional site. Not just simple markup site for the sake of the competition. Many of the client sites from the past have included shopping carts, Flash, and other standard web site functionality.

The competition end next month when we gather for the competition day. During that 8 hours the various teams will work for implement the client site using the best accessibility technics and knowledge. So wish us well.