Traffic Update…

Okay. Time to blow off some steam on the local Austin Traffic. For those following along I just moved to Austin from Houston a mere 6 months ago. As everyone knows Houston has some of the worst traffic. The biggest problem is the speed limit on the major freeways. Mostly this is 55-65. Well if you are not going at least 70+ you will be run over.

Okay now in Austin I am trying to report on the local anomalies. Twice this month I have nearly rear ended the car in front of me not because the of a traffic jam but because the person on the inside lane decides ‘Oh I need to get off at this exit’ and completely stops their vehicle, puts on their right blinker and waits for a clear lane to move over three lanes to the exit.

What the F*CK is this. It would not be a problem except this always seems to occur in the morning on the way to work in a section that is past all of the congestion. Arghhh!
That’s it for the traffic report. I need to buy a helicopter or something.

About Paul Menard

Mis-placed Texas Geek now living on North Carolina. Lover of all things coding especially WordPress, Node.js, Objective-C and Swift. Love to work on interesting projects and come away with some new knowledge. Trying to keep my head on while I try to staying abreast of all the latest technologies. Lover of books and cats.