Better printed page links

This is in a word…FANTASTIC!

I was hunting around for some print style sheet tweaks for a client. Seems they have a very wide horizontal table that of course when printed cuts off the right side. No Duh! so I’m surfing around checking various leads on Google or whatever search engine and I come across this article

I’m sure you’ve all printed a web page that contains links. You get the link text that is shown on the web page but not the actual URL. Since this is a printed document you can’t really hover over the link text to see the URL href or anything. So basically you’re screwed! The first iteration of a solution was to move the links inline. Well as is mentioned in the article it makes the text you are printed very unreadable.

So the solution is to put footnotes next to the link text that reference the URL at the bottom of the printed page.

I’m totally blown away. Thanks Aaron